Program Time (Year)
Max.Program Time (Year)
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Internships Status
About Programme
Programme aims that educate engineers msc with; qualified, be equipped with technological knowledge, ability of represent of Turkey in everywhere.
ECTS and Erasmus Coordinator of the Department
ECTS and Erasmus Coordinator of the Department
Head of Department
Associate Prof.Dr. Bahadır ACAR
Doctorate program started its educational activities in 1998 as Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Institute of Science and Technology, Machine Education program. Karabük University was established in 2007, and the Department of Machine Education continued at Karabük University. Since 2009, the doctorate program of Energy Systems Engineering has been continuing education within the body of Karabuk University.
Qualification Awarded
The Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Energy Systems Engineering (doctorate) awarded to the graduates who successfully fulfil all the programme requirements.
Admission Requirements
For Turkish Citizens: Second Cycle (Master’s) Degree diploma with thesis, (2) A minimum ALES score of 55 or equivalent international examinations scores for graduate-level programmes such as GRE, GMAT, etc., recognised by YÖK. (3) A minimum score of 55 in accepted foreign language proficiency exams. Candidates gain access to the programmes based on their composite scores consisting of second cycle degree grade point averages, ALES and foreign language exam.
For International Students: Second Cycle Degree diploma with thesis obtained from universities recognised by YÖK. Candidates gain access to the programmes based on their second cycle degree grade point averages.
Graduation Requirements
The students who study in the programme are required to fulfil the following graduation requirements in order to get the doctorate degree (PhD): • The students must pass all the credited courses with at least a letter grade BB, together with non-credited courses with at least the letter grade G • They must obtain a total of 240 ECTS Credits. • They must achieve a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 75 out of 100 or of at least 3.00 out of 4.00. • They must be successful in their seminar courses • They must prepare the doctorate thesis and defend it successfully.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduated students have a general range of knowledge, is satisfy the requirements of energy workshop, and can work international projects with other colleaques. Design of HVAC systems, new generation renewable energy systems, Nükleer energy, Hydrogen energy and Efficiency analyses of a system is gained for students along their eduation period. They can work different sectors after graduation like as TKİ, TPAO, BOTAŞ, TÜPRAŞ, TAEK, TEMSAN,etc.
Assessment and Grading
Exams for credited courses in the Department of Energy Systems Engineering are made as Midterm, Final and Make-up exams. In determining the passing grade, 40% of the midterm exam and 60% of the final grade are calculated. In addition to exams, it can be used to determine the success grade in activities such as homework, projects, and applications, according to the decision of the course instructors.